Our trip to skillzone was amazing! For the first
fifteen mintues we sat in a room and we had these objets called eggs or pebbles, which we used
to answer some improtant questions about safety.
After we were split into 7 groups and sent off to different places where we had to tell our guide all
the things that were dangerous in the surroundings. We went to all different places that you would come across in a real situation in life, there were models of everything and they were a danger to us! We had to stand next to all the things that were wrong and explain why.
What the tasks were!!
There was a train station, at the train station we had to watch a video of silly people who decided to disobey the rules of safty. every so often we saw a mobile phone with messages that said things like are you ok? and i'm worried about you!! There were people who tried to cross when the lights were red and there was a man who lost his shoe because the train caught the end of his foot. We saw the front off a train which was a replicar and there was a mobile phone who somebody lost and our guide told us that even if it was a really expencive phone to leave it. After that we went to the front of the replicar and there was a screen and red lights that flashed telling you not to cross, on the screen the front of a trian appered then the lights went green so that you could cross and the picture disappered.
We went into a replicar of a park, and again we had to stand by the dangers and explain them, there was a pile of rubish that contained polution to the earth. There was doogy doody and cans that where half full (which was just liquid). We learnt about if a stranger came up to you and said "give me your phone!" to give it over and tell an adult strait away!!!
We went into a house and we had to stand by all the dangers again and there were things eg: a knife in the toaster; a gass fire still on; etc. After that we went up stairs to a bedroom and there were things like to many extention cables plugged in and hair straightners on the bed! (we also got told advice about it if there was a fire in the room). After that we went to this room which had been...BURNT! He asked about if we could still smell the burnning, and we could, (it was really bad). Then he told us that the room had actually been burnt 6 months ago! It only took 4 minutes for the room to be destroyed, but that is why we need smoke detectors!
Afterwards we went into a room full of computers and watched a video about a boy who was tricked by internet contact and was hurt badly. He found a website called THINK YOU KNOW, then reported the person and he got arrested for child abuse.
Last but not least we went into a car, (but it was stable and safe) it had a big screen which played a video about a man called Steve who died in a car crash. The video told us how steve didn't die from the crash he died from his ribs which berst his lungs because he wasnt wearing a seat-belt and thats what killed Steve!
At the end we were sad because we had to leave, but before we left we went into the room with all the eggs or pebbles in and answerd the questions, (we think we got the correct!) we were walking out the door when they gave us all GOODY BAGS to remember our amazing time at skillzone!!!!!!!
By Louise and Francesca!