Wednesday 6 February 2013

Keen To Be Green!

This term we are learning about Keen To Be Green, which is about reduce, reuse, recycle! We have learnt a lot of very interesting facts about our topic. Soon we are going to a recycle centre in Hempsted, Gloucester, We are excited and know we are going to learn even more than we know now. 

Reduce means making less rubbish to put into the landfill sites!
Fun Facts-
  1. The average person creates 4.7 pounds of waste every single day.
  2. Newspapers can be reused as wrapping paper for gift.
  3. Empty tissue boxes can provide easy and handy storage for plastic grocery bag.
Reusing, e.g you have an old pair of tights you can make them into socks!

  1. Buy products that don't have a lot of packaging. Some products are wrapped in many layers of plastic and paperboard even though they don't need to be. You can also look for things that are packed in materials that don't require a lot of energy or resources to produce. Some products will put that information right on their labels.
  2. Save energy by turning off lights that you are not using.
  3. Save water by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth.
Recycling is when you but certain stuff in the recycle bin!

  1. Every tonne of paper recycled saves 17 trees!
  2. Every year in the UK we use 13 billion steel cans which if you placed them end to end, would stretch to the moon - three times!
  3. Every year the average dustbin contains enough unrealised energy for 500 baths, 3500 showers or 5,000 hours of television!
  4. On average every person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every 7 weeks!
  5. In less than 2 hours the UK produces enough waste to fill the Albert Hall!
  6. Over Christmas as much as 83 km2 of wrapping paper will end up in UK rubbish bins, enough to cover an area larger than Guernsey!
  7. The average person gets through around 38kg of newspapers each year!

!By Elysse Brown!

My sister and I going sledding

This is me and my sister when we went sledging. We were really excited to see the snow, as we thought that it would never come! Me and my friend Izzy made a film about the snow a day after this photo was taken.

By Olivia Hood